We also offer club members exclusive access into our Members Lounge at selected events, where you will get the chance to chat to members of our highly knowledgeable Research and Design team, who are ready and waiting to answer all your questions
... the trickier the better!

The Bachmann Times magazine is also where we get to showcase our limited edition, BCC exclusive models. Each quarter we bring you a brand-new model from either our Bachmann Branchline, Bachmann Narrow Gauge or Graham Farish ranges, sometimes both! These models are exclusive to our club members and are only available to buy directly through the club; online, by phone or mail order, or at events that we attend - Click here to explore our current range.
What is in your ‘TrainMail’ e-newsletter?
By becoming a member of the BCC you become a part of the Bachmann family, which means we always want you to be the first to know about the latest announcements and goings on in the Club and at Bachmann HQ.
The TrainMail will keep you up to date about the latest models arriving from your favourite Bachmann brands, such as Bachmann Branchline and Graham Farish, plus you will also find details of our latest limited edition models and any events that we are attending. We also have TrainMail competitions where you can win event tickets and more!
What is the Members Day?
As part of your Bachmann Collectors Club Membership package we offer you the chance to attend our Members Day each year, this fabulous FREE day out is usually held at a heritage railway or preserved site around the country, enabling you to go behind the scenes and gain exclusive access to areas that are not usually open to the public!

OK I'm interested, so how much does membership cost?
The costs below will apply from the 1st March 2024.
For EU/ROW Membership, VAT will be deducted and overseas carriage added at the checkout for the prevailing EU/ROW Membership rate
We have four base packages and options to combine scales meaning there is something for everyone - All prices are per 12-month period of membership.

How do I join?
1. Register yourself on the website here.
2. Go to the products page and choose your membership and pop it into the basket.
3. Proceed to the checkout and complete your purchase.
4. You will receive a confirmation email and your membership will last for 12 months from date of successful purchase. Your membership welcome pack will be sent to you in the post.
How to Fill in the Registration Form
1. In the UK enter your house number, your Post Code and click Lookup Postcode button, then choose your address from the list. You may also enter your address manually if it is not on the list.
2. For rest of the world choose your Country from the list from the bottom of the form, then the page will reload.
3. For the USA choose United States from the list at the bottom of the form, then the page will reload. Now pick your State from the list.
4. Complete the form with your contact details and enter your email address to create your username. You must also create your own password which must be at least 8 characters in length. The password you create can be a mix of letters and numbers. Also enter your post code / Zip Code.
5. Click Submit to register on the site.
6. We will send you a confirmation email soon after.
7. Now you can Login to the site using the username (your email address) and password you created during registration.
8. After you have successfully logged in you will be presented with a selection of Membership options to choose from. Pick one of these and proceed to My Cart and the Checkout. You may also add other club products to your cart if you wish. Make a payment and if successful your membership will be completed.
9. Membership lasts for 12 months from date of successful purchase. To find the expiry date, click My Account at the top of the page and in the My Orders section will be a list of orders you have placed. Find the most recent and click on the pdf* icon in the Document column. This will download the pdf* copy of your order receipt. At the top right of this document is your Member number and Expires end of date.
10. Your Membership welcome pack and any additional products will be sent to you in the post.
Please note you will receive the next catalogue and calendar to be published following your application, if part-way through a year this may be when the next issues are published.
*Acrobat pdf reader is required to view documents in MyAccount
What happens at the end of my membership?
It’s quick and easy to renew your membership with the Bachmann Collectors Club and most of our members continue with us year after year – many have been with us since the club was first established more than 25 years ago! Whilst many clubs offer a one-time incentive to join, we value all of our members so whether you’re joining up for the first time or have been with us for many years, each time you renew you will receive the same great package of membership benefits outlined above during the course of the 12-month membership.
How do I renew my lapsed (or about to lapse) membership?
Whether you’re joining up for the first time, we treat new and existing members the same so when you renew, you will get the same great package of membership benefits each time you renew! You can renew your membership of the Bachmann Collectors Club on-line up to 1 calendar month in advanced of the Expiry end date, or you can call on 01455 245565 at anytime. There is no need to re-register for the site. Your membership number remains the same. However, if your membership has lapsed more than 12 months ago and your Login no longer works you may need to Register again, and you will be issued a new membership number. Login-in and add the membership to your basket by clicking Here.